A New Face on Campus
Barry McCorkell Joins the Campbell Administration.
April 26, 2018

Affecting both students and staff throughout the James Campbell High School (JCHS) campus, the establishment of new academy programs, the construction of a new building, and the introduction of new staff members has changed the school in recent years. One of the newest additions is Barry McCorkell, the new administrator of the Creative Media Academy.
Since the beginning of his educational career in 2007, McCorkell grew an increasing desire to explore new ways to get students involved in education and to make education more beneficial to the students. He wants students to not only learn in the classroom but to learn in the world, beyond the walls of the school. When JCHS started to enforce the Academies, he saw an opportunity to help students even more.
Joining Campbell as the Vice Principal of the Creative Media Pathway, McCorkell plans to involve himself more in the student body and further encourage students to prepare for a career after high school. The Academy model is something that he takes special interest in. McCorkell said, ‘Students are in a place where they can experience real world and at the same time, get ready for their futures.” The growth of students and their preparation for life after high school is a big focus of McCorkell.
Something else that McCorkell would like to accomplish is getting into the classrooms. He said, “I want to see how things are running in the classroom, I want to talk with and see you guys.” McCorkell is looking to take down the walls of the classroom and see how things are going for the students from their perspective. He believes that the relationship between students and teachers is highly important because teachers are the ones that serve the students. Visiting classrooms serves as a way to make school and learning geared towards the students and their needs by understanding their side of the story.
McCorkell is looking forward to working with the school and the students therein. He states, “I’m excited to be here to serve, if you see me around, come say hello, my door is always open.” He emphasizes that he and the rest of the staff at JCHS are here for the students. McCorkell foresees an amazing time in JCHS and looks forward to helping students get to wherever they want to go.